Being one of the wiki sysops and certainly the most contributing user of the last half year, I would not only "not put resistance", but greatly appriciate if the two wiki were merged. I started to work on the wiki, because I wasn't happy with ALSA's documentation and especially that it was splattered all over the internet instead of being concentrated on its official web site. Therefore I welcome anything that improves this miss-situation.
I don't know what the main administrator and creator of the wiki would say, though. We should probably just ask him what he thinks of this idea. His name is Mark Constable and you can contact him through his user page of the wiki at
In the meantime, as a personal opinion, I'd contribute to the unofficial wiki. It largely beats the new wiki in matters of popularity and completeness. Anyway, it doesn't matter that much, were you contribute, because everything can be copied from one wiki to the other once we decided how to proceed further...
If you do want to contribute to the new wiki, you should have a look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/ALSA:Community_Portal. There is an (unordered) todo list and discussions about the wiki. Feel free to add more points to the list and share ideas about the wiki :-)
Greets, Ingo
j t schrieb:
On 5/26/07, Ingo Müller alsa@ingomueller.net wrote:
If you had read carefully what the main page of alsa.opensrc.org sais, you'd know that this is an unofficial wiki.
Oops - my bad. Sorry...
The story of the other wiki is bit harder to find, but if you want, you can read it at
The basic of the story is, that it has been created maybe two months ago by official ALSA developpers to replace the official ALSA web site, which was difficult to maintain and to keep up to date. The thing is, that only a few people seem to care that much that they would help to transfer content from the web site to the new wiki (thanks a lot to those who do care!). Feel free to contribute :-)
I will, just as soon as I work out which of the two wikis I should be contributing to...
Anyway, I totally agree with you that having one single wiki would be a lot better for everybody. Again, the problem is, that the merging has to be done by someone and this means work.
I could be wrong (that's my normal disclaimer out of the way), but surely the effort of merging would seem to be futile if the majority of edits subsequently go to the "wrong" wiki (I'm talking here from a practical viewpoint).
Does anyone know if the people who maintain the "unofficial" wiki would be offended/"put up resistance"/disagree if their wiki were "superceded"? If no, a note could be added to the unofficial about the new "official" one (it's interesting to note that the unofficial wiki doesn't mention the official one at all, although that could just be a lack of resources, rather than something intentional).
I hope that at least some of this makes sense...