[Sound-open-firmware] Request to create a tag for https://github.com/01org/osadsp-crosstool-ng

Liam Girdwood liam.r.girdwood at linux.intel.com
Thu Jun 14 16:03:56 CEST 2018

On Thu, 2018-06-14 at 07:18 +0000, Wang, Long1 wrote:
> Hi Girdwood,
> Could you push all built-out binary of the cross complier into the tar ball?
> It should include xtensa-byt-elf, xtensa-bxt-elf etc.

We are not going to do any binary releases of the compiler.

Can you update crosstool-ng and xtensa-overlay from sofproject (and use sof-
gcc7.3 branches for both).

Please then run within crosstool-ng :-

./configure --prefix=`pwd`
make install

and then each GCC version can be built using :-
cp config-byt-gcc7.3-gdb7.11.2-binutils2.30 .config
./ct-ng build

Please note there is a different config for each compiler version.



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