realtek ALC1220 : recording samplerate 10x too slow

fenugrec at fenugrec at
Wed Mar 23 16:12:38 CET 2022


> Does it communicate with alsa-lib pulse plugin?  Or is it the direct
> ALSA device access?

Ah, good question. I'm not sure how to determine that but looking into it.
Tried strace but I wasn't sure what to look for in the deluge of info.

> Do you mean that the sound from arecord gets garbled?

Correct : playing back the file just produced (arecord -f S16_LE -c 2 -r 44100 arec_44k.wav),
sound is normal until I started audacity, then the rest of the audio is 10x accelerated.

> arecord, is it over pulseaudio (with alsa-lib pulse plugin)?

Probably ? alsa-lib is installed and pulseaudio running normally, and I just gave default options to arecord.

> No, I mean the way to trigger without audacity

I understand. I haven't found a simpler way (yet).


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