No sound on gpd pocket 3

anthony tonitch d.tonitch at
Mon Jan 24 17:52:47 CET 2022


I have a problem I guess related to sof... I already asked on the irc
#alsa at and gnarface advised me to come and ask on this
mailing list!

I am struggling to make the sound of my gpd pocket 3 to work on linux
(archlinux to be precise)! In fact, the sound is not supposed to work
out of the box as other users tested it before me! but they all had
the solution to set the dsp_driver and this didn't worked for me!
I checked several times to see if the module was loaded properly and
yes it is (as you can also check in the alsa-info at the end of the mail)!

If I do aplay -l I get a bunch of hdmi connection that is not working
at all! I'm really lost here and I don't even know what to look for

The sound works great on windows so This doens't seems to be hardware problem ?!
and I tried to plug an usb headset which give me sound so I doesn't
seems to be config related either ?! (tho the jack doesn't work)

I asked on several places already. I post the different links here in
case you want to check but I don't have any response to any post

- Post on Archlinux BBS:
- Post on subreddit GPDPocket:

- Screenshot and bios picture of maybe relevant informations:

I hope there is enough informations to help me debug this but if you
need anything I can provide it! this is a small pc and I'm usualy
quarrying it around!
I know this is better to send mail but if you need me to chat for any
reason (it would be easier for instance) I'm usually hanging on the irc as tonitch you can pm or tag me on #alsa

Here is the :

Thanks a lot for your help!

PS: Ubuntu mate have released their official pocket 3 distribution and
I tried it but the sound didn't worked either, here is the alsa-info
In case this help ?! :

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