Implicit feedback on BOSS GT-1, the saga continues...

Lucas jaffa225man at
Thu Apr 8 23:21:54 CEST 2021

Thanks for the tips Geraldo, but with an effort to avoid anything that
might be forgotten or is more difficult to undo, I've been building my
kernel the debian suggested method of "make deb-pkg" (with -j4 added to
speed it up) in /usr/src/linux-5.11.9/, and something like "dpkg -i
../linux-image-5.11.9_5.11.9_amd64.deb".  The "make -j4 deb-pkg" command
runs "make clean" first, every time.  To make matters even worse, my boot
partition is too small to hold more than 4 modern kernels, so I "apt-get
remove linux-image-5.11.9" each time before building the next test.  Each
build takes about two hours...  :)  I'm not complaining, though.  I'm just
trying to explain why I have been doing it this way.  I'm sure you're
right, though, that your commands would be spiffy. ;)

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