Dne 31. 07. 19 v 16:07 Liam Girdwood napsal(a):
On Wed, 2019-07-31 at 09:01 -0500, Pierre-Louis Bossart wrote:
Any objections to using this repo for topologies too ? I know we haven't yet used it for UCMs but now is probably a good point to move (including moving the older UCMs over too).
We'll need to figure out the license for all this, the topologies and UCM files created for SOF are all BSD 3-clause but I am not clear on older UCM files stored in alsa-lib, I don't think there was any agreement that the LGPL license applied to them.
I remember this was discussed in the past, it is possible to make all new UCMs and topologies BSD 3c in the new repo. We could also transfer over and re-license any topoloies over from alsa-lib where we had agreement from authors.
This would eventually mean alsa-lib would contain "legacy" GPL topologies whilst alsa-ucm-conf would contain any new and BSD licences UCM/topologies.
I created the alsa-ucm-conf repository on github and invited you as the maintainer: