Hi Lennart!
On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 00:28:59 +0100 "Lennart Poettering" mznyfn@0pointer.de wrote:
On Wed, 21.11.07 12:22, Takashi Iwai (tiwai@suse.de) wrote:
Now, is there a way I can detect for a mixer element if it is "real" or if it is implemented only for the "plughw" PCM? As it seems the "hw:0" mixer device does contain "virtual" tracks, isn't that a bit strange? Shouldn't the virtual mixer tracks be available only in a mixer device "plughw:0"? That at least would be symmetric to the PCM case, wouldn't it?
Check snd_ctl_elem_info_is_user(). All softvol controls are implemented as user elements.
Hmm, how am I supposed to get the snd_ctl_elem_info_t from a snd_mixer_elem_t or snd_mixer_selem_id_t?
I figure there is no useful documentation or even example how this is supposed to work? Hmm, is there any real documentation available which describes the relation of ctl, hctl, mixer and smixer at all? For the uninitated the whols structure looks overly complex and redundant.
Here's my take on it....HTH
dont hesitate to ask
// ALSA Mixer creation and manipulation routines // // The alsa api is pretty cool once you find a working example :-) // // One first creates the mixer representation and then 1 element // representation for each item that you need to manipulate. // create the individual elements, ie PCM, Surround, etc
snd_mixer_elem_t * alsa_mixer_elem_instantiate(char *pNameElem, snd_mixer_t *pSndMxr) { char acLog[256] = ""; int iErr = 0;
snd_mixer_elem_t *pSndMxrElem; snd_mixer_selem_id_t *pSndMxrSlem;
snd_mixer_selem_id_alloca(&pSndMxrSlem); snd_mixer_selem_id_set_name(pSndMxrSlem, pNameElem);
sprintf(acLog, "Initializing ALSA Mixer Element: %s", pNameElem); aeiu_logprint("PC18", AEIU_LOG_INFO, acLog);
// find element based on name
if(!(pSndMxrElem=snd_mixer_find_selem(pSndMxr, pSndMxrSlem))) goto fin;
// make sure they are turned on so we can hear them, not always the case
aeiu_logprint("PC19", AEIU_LOG_INFO, "ALSA Mixer Element Enable" ); if(snd_mixer_selem_has_playback_switch(pSndMxrElem)) if((iErr=snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch_all(pSndMxrElem, 1))) goto fin;
// configure them for the old style 0-100 oss volume range
aeiu_logprint("PC20", AEIU_LOG_INFO, "ALSA Mixer Element Set Range" );
if((iErr=snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_range(pSndMxrElem, 0, 100))) goto fin;
// set to a reasonable starting value
aeiu_logprint("PC21", AEIU_LOG_INFO, "ALSA Mixer Element Set Volume" );
if((iErr=snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_volume_all(pSndMxrElem, 65))) goto fin;
if(!pSndMxrElem || iErr) { sprintf(acLog,"alsa_mixer_elem_instantiate: %s Failed: %s\n", pNameElem, iErr ? snd_strerror(iErr) : "Mixer Device Not Found"); aeiu_logprint("PC22", AEIU_LOG_ERROR, acLog); }
return pSndMxrElem; }
int alsa_mixer_instantiate() { int iErr = 0; char *pcNameDevMxr = "default";
aeiu_logprint("PC23", AEIU_LOG_INFO, "Initializing ALSA Mixer");
if(gpSndMxr) { aeiu_logprint("PC24", AEIU_LOG_ERROR,"alsa_mixer_instantiate: pSndMxr!=NULL"); iErr=1; goto fin; }
if((iErr = snd_mixer_open(&gpSndMxr, 0))) goto fin;
if((iErr = snd_mixer_attach(gpSndMxr, pcNameDevMxr))) goto fin;
if((iErr = snd_mixer_selem_register(gpSndMxr, NULL, NULL))) goto fin;
if((iErr = snd_mixer_load(gpSndMxr))) goto fin;
// mixer device is now live, create the control elements, note that // we dont error check here because we do it in the function and we // dont want to break execution flow here if we fail for some reason // (rather have 2 channels than no channels!)
gpSndMxrElemCrdV = alsa_mixer_elem_instantiate("PCM", gpSndMxr);
gpSndMxrElemCrd0 = alsa_mixer_elem_instantiate("Master", gpSndMxr);
gpSndMxrElemCrd1 = alsa_mixer_elem_instantiate("Surround", gpSndMxr);
// this exists only for a function called pcm_lowervolumes()
gpSndMxrElemCrdM = alsa_mixer_elem_instantiate("Mic", gpSndMxr);
if(iErr) { if(gpSndMxr) { snd_mixer_close(gpSndMxr); gpSndMxr = NULL; }
char acLog[256] = ""; sprintf(acLog, "alsa_mixer_instantiate: Failed: %s", snd_strerror(iErr)); aeiu_logprint("PC25", AEIU_LOG_ERROR, acLog); } return iErr; }