[alsa-devel] [Mult]Re: A debug version of the ALSA lib?

Daniel Mack zonque at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 17:46:04 CEST 2011

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:19 PM, Olivier Guillion - Myriad
<olivier at myriad-online.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately, it didn't work for me.
> It started to install about 700 MB of miscellaneous packages, and failed on the
> making of the final package.

How did you download them? And which distro are you using.

> By precaustion I reverted to a previous snapshot of my system.
> Isn't it a simpler way to get debug info?
> Is it possible for instance to install libasound-dbg on Ubuntu 11.04?

That should be possible, yes. Or just build the library yourself and
redirect your linker to take the self-compiled library rather than the
system-wide instance.

> Maybe my problem comes from run-time link with the library?
> Does anyone use Code:Blocks to compile C applications that use ALSA?
> If yes could you please tell  me the compiler/linker settings to properly use
> the ALSA shared libs? I added "/usr/lib/libasound.so.2" to the "Link library"
> section of the Linker settings, and it worked, but I still get crashes on the
> "snd_device_name_hints", especially within a small Mozilla plug-in in Firefox.

I've never done such a thing myself, but maybe someone else has.

> I can send the whole project, with a very easy test that shows the problem if
> needed.

People on this list are usually really busy and I'm not sure whether
anybody would offer such specifc support unless it points out a
specific problem in the ALSA code. But I can't speak for everyone
here, of course :)


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