[alsa-devel] Help required. Slax OS, no audio, multiple cards, hdmi

Lee Revell rlrevell at joe-job.com
Tue Apr 14 04:50:18 CEST 2009

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 11:09 AM, James Gauld <james at thundermonkey.net> wrote:
> However, running slax (from usb) I cannot get any sound from either
> device, but I'm only interested in the HDMI card (card #1) which
> delivers output to the integrated speakers (as far as I can tell from
> windows).
> I've tried from console and various widgets in KDE with no success.

Try installing the proprietary ATI video driver.  Thanks to DRM the
video driver has veto power over whether you can output audio via


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