[Sound-open-firmware] Distribution of sof firmware and tplg files

Jaroslav Kysela perex at perex.cz
Tue Jan 7 18:33:27 CET 2020

Dne 07. 01. 20 v 17:46 Pierre-Louis Bossart napsal(a):

>> So my last advice was to push the topologies in the normalized .conf
>> format to alsa-topology-conf repository and let the distributions to
>> choose, if they'll put this to their linux-firmware packages or create
>> a standalone package with topologies (which must be installed in the
>> same way as linux-firmware anyway).
> I think it's not sustainable to import .conf files, it'd be a better
> idea to move all M4 files into alsa-topology-conf and provide a script
> to generate topologies - provided that the results are the *same* as
> what gets tested by the SOF CI and Intel QA. We should not have multiple
> options for the topology generation, either we all normalize the
> intermediate .conf or we don't. Doing otherwise is a sure way of having
> "works for me" bug reports and confused users.

The .conf files can be very easily compared with the original source.

Basically, I really want to let things to move forward. Everything is better 
than to have the topology configuration in the big repo with all other things, 
so I can accept this, too.

I had to probably use my time to work on something different than 
libatopology, but at least I found several problems and did a lot
of cleanups.

> I will also assert that topology and UCM files should be released
> together, the former define stream numbers and control names that are
> used by the latter.

The packagers should ensure the version sync.

> If we don't release them together we'll be in trouble (e.g. if forthe DMIC name changes).

We are in trouble anyway :-) The new name is not much better (index inside
the control name not respecting the rules in control-names.rst - kernel 
documentation). But I know, someone missed to implement the control indexes in 
the whole ASoC tree ;-) SOC_SINGLE() etc... I'm talking about


Jaroslav Kysela <perex at perex.cz>
Linux Sound Maintainer; ALSA Project; Red Hat, Inc.

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