Question about amidi -l output

Jeroen Baten jbaten at
Wed Jan 18 11:30:30 CET 2023


Not that I want to argue, but if 'amidi -l' currently gives me 
"Boutique", than shouldn't somewhere in the udev hierarchy exist a 
string 'Boutique'?

root at studio:/lib/udev#  amidi -l
Dir Device    Name
IOhw:3,0,0   UMC204HD 192k UMC204HD 192k MID
IOhw:4,0,0   Boutique MIDI 1
IOhw:5,0,0   Boutique MIDI 1
IOhw:6,0,0   Boutique MIDI 1
IOhw:7,0,0   Keystation 61 MK3 Keystation 61
IOhw:7,0,1   Keystation 61 MK3 Keystation 61
IOhw:8,0,0   Alesis Strike MIDI 1
root at studio:/lib/udev#  lsusb | grep outique
Bus 007 Device 013: ID 0582:028e Roland Roland Corp. Boutique JX-08
Bus 007 Device 012: ID 0582:028c Roland Roland Corp. Boutique JD-08
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0582:01ff Roland Roland Corp. Boutique D-05
root at studio:/lib/udev#  grep -r -i 'boutique'  /etc/udev/*
grep: /etc/udev/hwdb.bin: binary file matches
/etc/udev/hwdb.d/20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=Roland Corp. Boutique D-05
/etc/udev/hwdb.d/20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=Roland Corp. Boutique JX-08
/etc/udev/hwdb.d/20-usb-vendor-model.hwdb: ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=Roland Corp. Boutique JD-08
root at studio:/lib/udev#

Op 16-01-2023 om 21:45 schreef aitor:
> Hi Jeroen,
> On 16/1/23 20:48, Jeroen Baten wrote:
>> I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
>> So the Ardour application uses the output of amidi -l to name USB
>> devices. In my case I now have 3 devices all named "Boutique MIDI 1",
>> although they are 3 different types of synth.
>> I already added the devices to usb-list and system-hwdb so lsusb shows
>> up with correct synth names.
>> What can I do to make amidi -l show better device names? Where do these
>> names come from? What lib or db should I look at to patch and submit?
>> I hope someone can help me.
> You can use udev rules for that. The link below might help you:
> Cheers,
> Aitor.

Jeroen Baten              | EMAIL :JBATEN at I2RS.NL
  ____  _  __              | web
   |  )|_)(_               | tel   :  +31 (0)648519096
  _|_/_| \__)              | Frisolaan 16, 4101 JK, Culemborg, the Netherlands

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