i have some technical issues with the Arturia minifuse 1 sound card. i would like help with converting the minifuse 2 UCM config to work with minifuse 1

GitHub issues - edited github at alsa-project.org
Sat Oct 1 06:57:29 CEST 2022

alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf issue #220 was edited from Ali32bit:

greetings.        so i have a sound card with multiple outputs and some loop back channels.  it is USB complaint but those extra bells and whistles  cause ALSA to think its a surround sound device when its actually just stereo.  and this actually impacts the sound when i play games on it cause sounds from behind are basically muted.   and thats the case with some music too but less obvious
here is what alsa_info generated for me too : 


there should already be a minifuse 2 setup so if possible please adapt it to minifuse 1 or help me convert and install it myself.     the hardware is mostly the same but it has 1 input instead of 2  and no extra midi ports in the back.

Issue URL     : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf/issues/220
Repository URL: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf

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