arecord leaves doubled audio at end after a SIGTERM

GitHub issues - opened github at
Wed Nov 30 04:05:20 CET 2022

alsa-project/alsa-utils issue #179 was opened from chconnor:

Hello: I issue a command like this:

`arecord -t wav -c 1 -f S16_LE -r44100 -D hw:2,0 test.wav

It works fine, but then I hit ctrl-C to terminate. This works, but the file has "junk" at the end that repeats the last fraction of a second. E.g. in this demo file I ctrl-C when I say the word "one", and the recording is like "three, two, on-on":

It's as if it is mistakenly writing a buffer an extra time?

(In my total ignorance and total lack of qualifications, I traced the code to [here](, but I get lost and can't see if anything is awry...)

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