Feedback with embedded USB audio gadget

David Jaffe davidajaffe at
Sat Nov 5 00:30:26 CET 2022

Note that I answered this question myself.  Please ignore.

On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 6:08 PM David Jaffe <davidajaffe at> wrote:

> I see that the USB Gadget has an explicit feedback node.   It seems to
> deliver a constant (00 00 30 00) for a sample rate of 48kHz.    I see that
> the value is initialized to a combination of the sample rate and the
> "pitch", which appears to be a control of the driver.  Is the pitch plumbed
> up to the user-level through alsa somehow (if so how)?    If not, is there
> some ALSA layer that servos the pitch to keep the host clock and the
> embedded clock synchronized?

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