How does PlaybackChannelPos# Work?

GitHub issues - opened github at
Wed Aug 31 07:27:18 CEST 2022

alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf issue #209 was opened from 13r0ck:

I found but doesn't seem to work when setting audio jack output.

I have a mostly working configuration for a motherboard's 3.5mm audio jack output. The only problem is that the C/Sub and Rear jacks are flipped. I am assuming setting the `PlaybackChannelPos` in the speaker should work, but it doesn't for some reason.

SectionDevice."Speaker" {
    Commant "Speakers"
    Value {
        PlaybackChannel2 "BL"
        PlaybackChannel3 "BR"
        PlaybackChannel4 "FC"
        PlaybackChannel5 "LFE"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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