[bug report] ASoC: amd: add vangogh machine driver

Dan Carpenter dan.carpenter at oracle.com
Thu Nov 25 15:59:52 CET 2021

Hello Vijendar Mukunda,

The patch 34a0094b9ff7: "ASoC: amd: add vangogh machine driver" from
Oct 14, 2021, leads to the following Smatch static checker warning:

	sound/soc/amd/vangogh/acp5x-mach.c:190 acp5x_cs35l41_hw_params()
	error: uninitialized symbol 'ret'.

    158 static int acp5x_cs35l41_hw_params(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream,
    159                                    struct snd_pcm_hw_params *params)
    160 {
    161         struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd = substream->private_data;
    162         struct snd_soc_card *card = rtd->card;
    163         struct snd_soc_dai *codec_dai;
    164         int ret, i;
    165         unsigned int num_codecs = rtd->num_codecs;
    166         unsigned int bclk_val;
    168         for (i = 0; i < num_codecs; i++) {
    169                 codec_dai = asoc_rtd_to_codec(rtd, i);
    170                 if ((strcmp(codec_dai->name, "spi-VLV1776:00") == 0) ||
    171                     (strcmp(codec_dai->name, "spi-VLV1776:01") == 0)) {

How positive are we that we're always going to find one of these codecs?
Smatch is worried we might not find them.

    172                         switch (params_rate(params)) {
    173                         case 48000:
    174                                 bclk_val = 1536000;
    175                                 break;
    176                         default:
    177                                 dev_err(card->dev, "Invalid Samplerate:0x%x\n",
    178                                         params_rate(params));
    179                                 return -EINVAL;
    180                         }
    181                         ret = snd_soc_component_set_sysclk(codec_dai->component,
    182                                                            0, 0, bclk_val, SND_SOC_CLOCK_IN);
    183                         if (ret < 0) {
    184                                 dev_err(card->dev, "failed to set sysclk for CS35l41 dai\n");
    185                                 return ret;
    186                         }
    187                 }
    188         }
--> 190         return ret;
Also it's a bit more readable to "return 0;" if we know this is a
success path.

    191 }

dan carpenter

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