dmix + dshare and changes of period_size buffer_size

GitHub issues - opened github at
Wed Jan 6 18:31:26 CET 2021

alsa-project/alsa-lib issue #109 was opened from pietercardoen:


I'm trying to create my audio configuration using dmix or dshare plugins but i'm facing some issues.

Currently, if I don't use dmix or dshare, I'm able to specify the period_size using aplay and changes are populated to the hardware. However if I include a dmix/dshare plugin, I'm  not able to configure the period_time anymore.

To configure dmix, one needs to specify this:
slave {			# Slave definition
  pcm STR		# slave PCM name
  # or
  pcm { }		# slave PCM definition
  format STR	# format definition
  rate INT	# rate definition
  channels INT
  period_time INT	# in usec
  # or
  period_size INT	# in frames
  buffer_time INT	# in usec
  # or
  buffer_size INT # in frames
  periods INT	# when buffer_size or buffer_time is not specified

Is it possible in any way to avoid the need to specify buffer_size/periods/... and to avoid the system to fall back on defaults?

Kind regards
Pieter Cardoen

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