question about ALSA devices not showing up in buildroot build

Jaroslav Kysela perex at
Wed Feb 3 12:51:47 CET 2021

Dne 02. 02. 21 v 18:00 Bert Schiettecatte napsal(a):
> Hi all
> I am working on getting my ALSA machine driver and codecs working. I
> ported over my code which was based on 4.11, and I'm using 5.9.12 at
> the moment. At first sight everything seems to be working, but the hw:
> , plughw: etc devices are missing and when I list the PCMs with
> acrecord -L, I don't see any, even though arecord -l does show the
> card. I am using buildroot for my rootfs. So I am wondering if this is
> an issue with incorrectly defining the structs in my driver code, or
> if this is an issue with missing package in my buildroot config, or if
> this is due to a missing configuration file for ALSA in the rootfs.
> Previously I was using an off the shelf linaro rootfs when I was still
> on kernel version 4.11, and there the PCMs were showing up correctly
> and I could see the multiple devices such as hw:, plughw:, dmix: etc.
> Thanks!

Add "defaults.namehint.extended true" line to your ~/.asoundrc or
/etc/asound.conf file to list hw/plughw devices.

For the driver test - 'aplay -l' is more relevant.


Jaroslav Kysela <perex at>
Linux Sound Maintainer; ALSA Project; Red Hat, Inc.

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