[RFC] Device addition to the tlv320adcx140 and tas2562

Dan Murphy dmurphy at ti.com
Wed Sep 9 17:01:51 CEST 2020


Looking for guidance on how to move forward with adding a device to 
existing drivers.

For the TLV320adcx140 driver I have another device which is register and 
bitmap compatible but it does not support Analog microphones or Line In 
like the x140.

Should I add a new driver specifically for this part or should I add the 
new audio maps, widgets and controls to the existing driver?  This would 
make this existing driver really big in terms of LoC and object size.

Similar question for the TAS2562.  I have a new device that is register 
and bitmap compatible but removes the I/V sense. Adding this new device 
to the existing driver wouldn't be as intrusive as the x140 as the audio 
map and controls are much simpler


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