Alsa Midi Driver Question/Issue

Clemens Ladisch clemens at
Wed May 27 08:51:16 CEST 2020

liebrecht at wrote:
> Bitwig absolutely requires to have exclusive access to a USB pad Controller

ALSA has two MIDI APIs.

The low-level RawMIDI interface gives low-level access to the raw bytes
going over a port, and usually allows only exclusive access.

The sequencer interface deals only on messages, allows user-space programs
to create their own ports, and allows multiple connections per port.  When
a sequencer port corresponding to a hardware port is opened, the RawMIDI
port is also opened and thus blocks other accesses.

Apparently, Bitwig uses the RawMIDI interface.

Try loading the snd-virmidi module (which creates a virtual sound card),
and tell Bitwig to use that.  You can then connect its sequencer ports
to whatever hardware or software ports you like.


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