Several issues with HP OMEN dc-0019-ur

GitHub issues - opened github at
Wed Jul 22 12:48:40 CEST 2020

alsa-project/alsa-lib issue #73 was opened from UnicodeMan:

Hi. I am using HP OMEN dc0019ur laptop with linux 5.7-xanmod kernel and KDE neon system. 
Laptop has combined 3.5mm jack and a seperate stereo microphone jack.

With no modprobe changes:
mute led does not work, headphones work, but microphone is not detected, and if i plug anything into microphone jack, it switches to microphone in combined jack.

With hp-line1-mic1 quirk: mute led works fine, headphones are detected, except microphone, though it works anyway. Seperate microphone jack does not work at all.

With headset-mic quirk:
mute led does not work, headphones jack works, microphone (from headphones jack) is not detected when present but works when switched to anyway
Microphone jack works perfectly (detects a plugged in mic, works in stereo).

no quirks:

aaand, I hope I am writing this issue in correct place :D

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