sof-hda-dsp UCM doesn't work with the latest alsa-lib

GitHub issues - opened github at
Fri Jul 3 10:38:57 CEST 2020

alsa-project/alsa-lib issue #67 was opened from libinyang:

In the latest UCM for sof-hda-dsp, it has supported Syntax 3 and it uses $var for hdmi. In sof-hda-dsp/Hdmi.conf, It defines "HdmiNum 1", and later it will redefine "HdmiNum 2", then "HdmiNum 3". It will try to `Include.hdmi1.File "/codecs/hda/hdmi.conf"` to use these definitions. But actually, only "HdmiNum 3" will be used for HDMI1, HDMI2 and HDMI3. The old value of "1" and "2" will be overridden when parsing HDMI1 and HDMI2. This is the bug of alsa-lib initialization sequence issue.

HDA-Intel/Hdmi.conf should have the same issue.

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