[alsa-devel] [PATCH 7/9] ASoC: tegra: add Tegra210 based ADMAIF driver

Sameer Pujar spujar at nvidia.com
Mon Jan 27 06:08:39 CET 2020

On 1/24/2020 9:55 AM, Dmitry Osipenko wrote:
> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
> 24.01.2020 06:27, Sameer Pujar пишет:
>> On 1/24/2020 6:58 AM, Dmitry Osipenko wrote:
>>> External email: Use caution opening links or attachments
>>> 20.01.2020 17:23, Sameer Pujar пишет:
>>> [snip]
>>>> +static bool tegra_admaif_wr_reg(struct device *dev, unsigned int reg)
>>>> +{
>>>> +     struct tegra_admaif *admaif = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
>>>> +     unsigned int ch_stride = TEGRA_ADMAIF_CHANNEL_REG_STRIDE;
>>>> +     unsigned int num_ch = admaif->soc_data->num_ch;
>>>> +     unsigned int rx_base = admaif->soc_data->rx_base;
>>>> +     unsigned int tx_base = admaif->soc_data->tx_base;
>>>> +     unsigned int global_base = admaif->soc_data->global_base;
>>>> +     unsigned int reg_max =
>>>> admaif->soc_data->regmap_conf->max_register;
>>>> +     unsigned int rx_max = rx_base + (num_ch * ch_stride);
>>>> +     unsigned int tx_max = tx_base + (num_ch * ch_stride);
>>>> +
>>>> +     if ((reg >= rx_base) && (reg < rx_max)) {
>>> The braces are not needed around the comparisons because they precede
>>> the AND. Same for all other similar occurrences in the code.
>> While that is true, some prefer to use explicit braces to make it more
>> readable.
>> In the past I was told to use explicitly in such cases.
> At least most of code in kernel (I've seen) doesn't have superfluous
> parens (the curvy thingies actually should be the braces). Readability
> is arguable in this case, I'm finding such code a bit more difficult to
> read, although in some cases parens and spacing may help to read more
> complex constructions.

Yes this is subjective and depends on the individual reading the code. It is
confusing every time, for the sender, about which guideline to follow. 
the patch/series for only this reason may not be really necessary. Since 
I need
to fix couple of issues in this series I may consider removing the 
explicit braces.

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