[alsa-devel] No sound with Realtek ALC298 on a Samsung Galaxy book

Aurélien Croc aurelien at ap2c.com
Sat Feb 15 17:56:58 CET 2020

Dear ALSA community, 

I just bought a Samsung Galaxy book 12" laptop and I installed the latest 
Fedora version (31) on it. Unfortunately when I try to listen something there 
is absolutely no sound from speaker nor headsets. I checked that volumes of 
the different channels were max. I also checked for muting system but I didn't 
found anything.
Of course it works perfectly under Windows.
I saw on internet that many ALC298 users had troubles with it. I tried 
different options to the intel hda driver (especially the model one) but it 
changes nothing.

Here is the alsa-info.sh output: http://alsa-project.org/db/?
I would appreciate some help in order to find a solution.
Tell me if you need more information.
Thanks in advance.


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