[alsa-devel] [External] Re: alsa-lib: Add ucm support for whiskeylake sof-skl_hda_card audio

Mark Pearson mpearson at lenovo.com
Thu Sep 19 17:14:06 CEST 2019

> Too many commmented lines inside without any explanation. The author
> should send the patch with the signed-off-by line. Also, we are working on
> the LGPL to BSD 3-Clause licence change, so it would be nice to indicate the
> agreement with this.
Thanks Jaroslav,

I originally got this file from Ubuntu where they worked with Lenovo when certifying our X1 Carbon Gen7 system with Ubuntu. I believe it originally came from Intel but I will confirm. I hadn't even considered licence issues as there isn't a licence in the file - my bad. 

I'm working my way through the steps to make sure support for our platforms gets into Debian but am new to the process. All pointers would be much appreciated - I'm assuming the two files are going to be generic to all platforms using the whiskeylake processor (and likely over Intel processors?) so the SOF and Intel team likely already have plans for this. 

I can certainly clean up the file and confirm its original providence. 

A dumb question - but what do you mean by the signed-off-by line? I looked for a guideline to submitting bugs on the alsa-project wiki and couldn't find any details. 


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