[alsa-devel] alsa conformance test fails to run for playback (and works for capture)

Hin-Tak Leung htl10 at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Oct 17 16:14:56 CEST 2019

Hi Yu-Hsuan,

I have encountered another problem with the alsa conformance test. It works for capture, but not for playback.

The device is - 


and running on a pi / raspbian buster.

The actual message is:

Fail - ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1822:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
snd_pcm_open hw:CARD=seeed8micvoi: No such device

I think the truncation is harmless .

The actual device name according to aplay -L is "hw:CARD=seeed8micvoicec,DEV=0" and as I noted earlier, arecord -L shows it as "hw:CARD=seeed8micvoicec,DEV=0" also, and the comformance test running in CAPTURE mode works, just not in PLAYBACK mode.

Is there anything I can do to look further?

Since it says "invalid value", I tried deleting the parameters around line 190 of src/alsa_conformance_helper.c, but perhaps I should do something else?

src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-191-    conformance_timer_start(timer, SND_PCM_OPEN);
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c:192:    rc = snd_pcm_open(handle,
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-193-                      dev_name,
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-194-                      stream,
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-195-                      SND_PCM_NONBLOCK |
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-196-                      SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_RESAMPLE |
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-197-                      SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_CHANNELS |
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-198-                      SND_PCM_NO_AUTO_FORMAT);
src/alsa_conformance_helper.c-199-    conformance_timer_stop(timer, SND_PCM_OPEN);



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