[alsa-devel] Counting links in simple-card

Daniel Baluta daniel.baluta at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 15:03:51 CEST 2019

Hi Morimoto-san,

In simple-card.c simple_get_dais_count function there is this comment:

     * ex1)
     * CPU0 --- Codec0
     * CPU1 --- Codec1
     * CPU2 -----/
     * CPU3 --- Codec2
     *    => 5 links = 2xCPU-Codec + 2xCPU-dummy + 1xdummy-Codec
     *    => 7 DAIs  = 4xCPU + 3xCodec
     *    => 1 ccnf  = 1xdummy-Codec

So, I don't understand exactly how did you get the formula for links. AFAICT
there should be 3 x CPU-Codec + 1 x CPU-dummy.


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