[alsa-devel] Suspected heap overflow in snd_midi_event_encode_byte()

Prashant Malani pmalani at chromium.org
Tue Aug 21 23:24:14 CEST 2018


The Chromium fuzzers detected a potential heap overflow in
snd_midi_event_encode_byte() when attempting to encode an invalid data
sequence. The potential bug was observed in alsa-lib-1.1.5 (the source
seems similar to alsa-lib-1.1.6 so it is likely present there too).

Code to reproduce (condensed to fit in an email):

std::array<int, 4> arr{ {0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D} };
snd_midi_event_t* encoder;
snd_midi_event_new(arr.size(), &encoder);
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
  snd_seq_event_t event;
  int result = snd_midi_event_encode_byte(encoder, arr[i], &event);
  if (result < 0) {
    // Log error and return....
  if ( result == 1) {
    // Send the completed message and return.

The first call to snd_midi_event_encode_byte() using byte 0x0A causes the
|encoder->qlen| to underflow and become a large unsigned value, and
|encoder->read| to become 2.  Subsequent bytes processed will get written
to the |encoder->buf| buffer, with |dev->read| getting incremented after
every byte. As a result, by the time we get to byte 0x0D, |encoder->read|
is already 4, and this results in a heap overflow (relevant line in
alsa-lib is src/seq/seq_midi_event.c:425)

I'm not sure if the above input array is a valid input to
snd_midi_event_encode_byte(), but I'm guessing we should be doing some
error checking to make sure we're not processing
incorrect/unexpected/invalid bytes.

Any suggestions about how one can submit a fix for this?

Best regards,


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