[alsa-devel] 1.1.3 bug report: dmix reports inconsistent status

Cheng Sun chengsun9 at gmail.com
Wed May 24 21:18:08 CEST 2017

Hi all,

The following commit (released in v1.1.3) introduced an issue where
dmix reports its state differently when snd_pcm_state is queried,
compared to snd_pcm_status.


(I suspect faf53c197cabeb1eb0fd1f66cd001d1469ebac09 affects dshare
similarly, but this is not tested)

The sample program attached at the bottom of this email demonstrates
this behaviour by printing the following on underrun:

try 1: status_state=3, state=4
try 2: status_state=3, state=4
ALSA lib pcm.c:8306:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred



#include <assert.h>
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#define FRAMES 100
int32_t buffer[FRAMES][2];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    const char *pcmname = argc == 2 ? argv[1] : "default";
    snd_pcm_t *pcm;
    assert( snd_pcm_open(&pcm, pcmname, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0) == 0 );
    assert( snd_pcm_set_params(pcm, SND_PCM_FORMAT_S32_LE,
SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED, 2, 48000, 1, 250) == 0 );
    for (;;) {
        snd_pcm_sframes_t written = snd_pcm_writei(pcm, buffer, FRAMES);
        if (written <= 0) {
            snd_pcm_status_t *status;
            assert( snd_pcm_status(pcm, status) == 0 );

            int status_state, state;

            status_state = snd_pcm_status_get_state(status);
            state = snd_pcm_state(pcm);
            printf("try 1: status_state=%d, state=%d\n", status_state, state);

            status_state = snd_pcm_status_get_state(status);
            state = snd_pcm_state(pcm);
            printf("try 2: status_state=%d, state=%d\n", status_state, state);

            assert( snd_pcm_recover(pcm,written,0) == 0 );

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