[alsa-devel] bytcr_rt5640, baytrail: trying to get audio working

Bernhard Übelacker bernhardu at vr-web.de
Wed Mar 30 00:50:29 CEST 2016

Hello Pierre-Louis,
thank you for your answers and your efforts.

Kind regards,

PS.: Could some info from a preinstalled Android of any help?

Am 29.03.2016 um 02:04 schrieb Pierre-Louis Bossart:
> If you modified the interrupt order then it's a Baytrail-CR device and 
> you will need to use the firmware that makes use of SSP0 (SSP2 is not 
> connected in this package). I am working to enable SSP0 routing directly 
> without the need for a new firmware but I haven't had time to test it.
> That said, we've not been successful so far with such Baytrail-CR 
> devices. So far the issue seem to be in the SSP0-AIF2 connection; if you 
> do a loopback within the DSP things work fine. Without access to the 
> schematics and the board information it's not straightforward to solve 
> the problem.
> Note also that Baytrail-CR devices typically use different microphones 
> and speaker settings (differential mics, mono speakers typically) so you 
> may need to add some quirks.

Just for reference if someone gets here via search engine:

I have tried the firmware [1] and put it under /lib/firmware/intel/fw_sst_0f28.bin
with the modified interrupt order and linux 4.5.0-rc7+, entered the
amixer sequence and the speaker-test.

I saw with that also no obvious errors in dmesg.
Interrupts are also counted.
The clicks on device open and close are not to hear anymore.
But unfortunately it stays silent.

[1] https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/vkoul/firmware.git/plain/intel/fw_sst_0f28_ssp0.bin?h=byt

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