[alsa-devel] [pulseaudio-discuss] ThinkPad T-510 audio output mute LED non-workingness

Glenn Golden gdg at zplane.com
Mon Apr 27 19:52:52 CEST 2015

Takashi Iwai <tiwai at suse.de> [2015-04-27 19:12:21 +0200]:
> I see no such warning in the log you attached, so it's not the issue,
> as it seems.
> Below is a debug patch, and now you should see messages like "XXX ..."
> in kernel log at loading the driver.  If there is no such a message,
> it means that the thinkpad hook isn't built in at all.  Please check
> the kernel log again with the patch.

Actually, before adding your debug patch, a question about something that may 
be relevant here: I noticed just now that the kernel build, which I performed 
in accordance with the instructions from the Archlinux Wiki:


did not result in a /lib/modules/extramodules-3.19-ARCH-gdg01 directory
being created ("ARCH-gdg01" being the suffix used for the custom-built

The only extant modules directories are /lib/modules/3.19.3-ARCH-gdg01
and of course the extramodules dir /lib/modules/extramodules-3.19-ARCH
that already existed from the previously installed ARCH distro kernel.

I suspect this may be a problem vis a vis ACPI, because with the new kernel
loaded, the battery level indicator is stuck at zero. :)

What's the magic incantation to build the extramodules?  I did look through


but it did not seem to address this question that I could tell.

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