[alsa-devel] Correction for comment about firewire stack for tag 'sound-3.16-rc1'

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp
Wed Jun 4 15:57:59 CEST 2014


I find a typo in the comment. If it's impossible to correct it, please
ignore this message.

> FireWire-audio:
> - FireWire audio stack enhancement (AMDTP, MIDI)
> - BeBbB-based devices support
> - Fireworks-based device support

     ~     ~
You can see "what's BeBoB" in sound/firewire/bebob/bebob.c:10. I use
BeBoB as a name of module, names of directory/files and Kconfig so it's
better to correct this typo.

And I strongly hope to describe a support for 'incoming isochronous
stream' and 'duplex streams with timestamp synchronization'. They're
main mechanisms which BeBoB/Fireworks need but previous stack didn't
have. If it's too detailed for comment of tag, please keep it what it is.


Takashi Sakamoto
o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp

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