[alsa-devel] Underrun on Jade controller...

Sandulescu Bogdan bogdan.sandulescu at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 23 11:35:46 CET 2012

Daniel Mack <zonque <at> gmail.com> writes:
> Without providing any code, I guess nobody on this list will be able to
> help you.
> Daniel

OK. Here is the essential part of my code - settings and write to ALSA:


    /********************************* SET PARAMS ******************/    
    /* Set HW Parameters, based on .wav header settings */
           /* APLAY settings */
         if (buffer_time == 0 && buffer_frames == 0)
            iCheckErrorState =
snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_time_max(pcmHwParameterCfg, &buffer_time, 0);
            if (iCheckErrorState < 0)
               iStatus = -1; /* set erroneous state */
            if (buffer_time > 500000)
               buffer_time = 500000;
         if (period_time == 0 && period_frames == 0)
            if (buffer_time > 0)
               period_time = buffer_time / 4;
               period_frames = buffer_frames / 4;
         if (period_time > 0)
               period_time = 500000;    /* restrict /smaller period time */
            iCheckErrorState =
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_time_near(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmHwParameterCfg,
                                                         &period_time, 0);
            iCheckErrorState =
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_size_near(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmHwParameterCfg,
                                                         &period_frames, 0);
         if (iCheckErrorState < 0)
            iStatus = -1; /* set erroneous state */
         if (buffer_time > 0)
            iCheckErrorState =
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_time_near(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmHwParameterCfg,
                                                         &buffer_time, 0);
            iCheckErrorState =
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_buffer_size_near(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmHwParameterCfg,
         if (iCheckErrorState < 0)
            iStatus = -1; /* set erroneous state */

         iCheckErrorState = snd_pcm_hw_params(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmHwParameterCfg);
         if (iCheckErrorState != 0)
            iStatus = -1;
         snd_pcm_hw_params_get_period_size(pcmHwParameterCfg, &pcmPeriodSize, 0);
         snd_pcm_hw_params_get_buffer_size(pcmHwParameterCfg, &pcmBufferSize);

         fprintf(stderr,"Period size = %lu ; Buffer size = %lu \n",
pcmPeriodSize, pcmBufferSize);

         if (pcmPeriodSize == pcmBufferSize)
            fprintf(stderr,"Can't use period equal to buffer size (%lu == %lu)",
pcmPeriodSize, pcmBufferSize);

         snd_pcm_sw_params_current(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmSWParameterCfg);
         if (avail_min < 0)
            n = pcmPeriodSize;
            n = (double) rate * avail_min / 1000000;
         iCheckErrorState = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_avail_min(pPcmPlayHandle,
pcmSWParameterCfg, n);
         /* round up to closest transfer boundary */
         n = pcmBufferSize;
         if (start_delay <= 0)
            start_threshold = n + (double) rate * start_delay / 1000000;
            start_threshold = (double) rate * start_delay / 1000000;
         if (start_threshold < 1)
            start_threshold = 1;
         if (start_threshold > n)
            start_threshold = n;

         iCheckErrorState =
snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmSWParameterCfg,
         if (iCheckErrorState < 0)
            iStatus = -1; /* set erroneous state */

         fprintf(stderr,"Start threshold = %lu \n",start_threshold);

         if (stop_delay <= 0)
            stop_threshold = pcmBufferSize + (double) rate * stop_delay / 1000000;
            stop_threshold = (double) rate * stop_delay / 1000000;

         iCheckErrorState = snd_pcm_sw_params_set_stop_threshold(pPcmPlayHandle,
pcmSWParameterCfg, stop_threshold);
         if (iCheckErrorState < 0)
            iStatus = -1; /* set erroneous state */

         if (snd_pcm_sw_params(pPcmPlayHandle, pcmSWParameterCfg) < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"Unable to install sw parameters, exit thread \n");
            iStatus = -1; /* set erroneous state */

         fprintf(stderr,"Play ThreadID [%lu]: after parmas ended\n",
     /* END APLAY settings */
         /*********************************END SET PARAMS ******************/
         /* Check if the Settings were correctly done or not */
         if (iStatus < 0)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not SET correctly the wav settings! \n");
        /* ... do something */
            /* Finished operation with Settings, continue processing */
                 /*Now we've set up our device, but we still can't write to it.
There's one last step we have to take: prepare the device */
                 snd_pcm_prepare (pPcmPlayHandle);
                 /* NOTE: cannot use to malloc the entire wav file size, as this
leads to: frequent overrun (more data in output buffer),
                  * and the User-Space app runtime memory is increased with wav
file size; Hence, is better to use the ALSA pcm buffer sizes. */

            iBufferSize = pcmBufferSize;

            TimeStamp("Play ThreadID [%lu]: before malloc\n", pthread_self());
            fprintf(stderr,"About to allocate %u buffer...\n", iBufferSize);

            pu8WavDataBuf = (uint8*) malloc( (size_t) iBufferSize);
            if (pu8WavDataBuf != NULL)
                  /* Data allocation successful continue with play... */
               fprintf(stderr,"Done allocating the buffer, start execute ALSA
play sequence...\n");

               size_t offset = 0;
               int remaining = WavSoundSize;

               Wavfp = fopen(WavPathAndName, "r");
               if (Wavfp != NULL)
                  /* Wav FILE opened OK, continue reading the data and send it
to ALSA driver */
                  TimeStamp("Play ThreadID [%lu]: before reading/writing\n",
                  while (remaining > 0)
                        /* READ DATA into local buffer */
                     /* Firstly, read a block of data into buffer */
                     /********* READ DATA ********/
                     /* Normal read from wav file, with a complete a buffer size */
                        iStatus = fread(pu8WavDataBuf, sizeof(uint8),
iBufferSize , Wavfp);
                     /********** END READ DATA ****************/

                     /* Secondly, output that buffer to ALSA driver */
                     iStatus = snd_pcm_writei(pPcmPlayHandle, pu8WavDataBuf,
iBufferSize / (stHWSettings.format * stHWSettings.channels) );
                     if (iStatus == -EAGAIN || (iStatus >= 0 && (
(size_t)iStatus < iBufferSize / (stHWSettings.format * stHWSettings.channels)  ) ))
                        /* The ALSA ring buffer is full, wait some small time to
flush parts of data, so we can fill it with rest of .wav data */
                        fprintf(stderr,"The ALSA ring buffer is full, wait some
small time to flush parts of data \n");
                        snd_pcm_wait(pPcmPlayHandle, 10);
                        if (iStatus == -EPIPE)
                           /* In some cases, it might happen that this thread
does not feed new samples in time to alsa-lib (due to high CPU usage - thread
interrupted often -
                            * or large delay between consecutive writei()
calls). Therefore, we must prepare/recover the PCM handle for next usage.

                            /* Print delay time */
                            snd_pcm_status_t *status;
                            if ((snd_pcm_status(pPcmPlayHandle, status))<0) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "some error \n");
                            struct timespec now, diff, tstamp;
                            clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now);
                            snd_pcm_status_get_trigger_htstamp(status, &tstamp);
                            timermsub(&now, &tstamp, &diff);
                            fprintf(stderr,"underrun!!! (at least %.3f ms long)\n",
diff.tv_sec * 1000 + diff.tv_nsec / 10000000.0);

                            fprintf(stderr,"Underrun encountered: application
didn't sent enough data to the ALSA buffer, status = %d \n", iStatus);
                           iStatus = snd_pcm_recover(pPcmPlayHandle,iStatus,0 );
                           if (iStatus == -ESTRPIPE)
                /* ignore it */
                              if (iStatus < 0)
                       /* ignore it */
                                 /* Write performed OK */
                     /* Use the pcm_avail_update() only for checking buffer
playback fill level - not for SYNCHRONISATION */
                     snd_pcm_sframes_t pcmAvailBytes;
                     pcmAvailBytes = snd_pcm_avail_update(pPcmPlayHandle);
                     offset = offset +  ( iStatus * (stHWSettings.format *
                     remaining = remaining -  ( iStatus * (stHWSettings.format *
                      fprintf(stderr,"Writei() ended, bytes written = %d,
available bytes to be written = %lu\n", iStatus, pcmAvailBytes);

                  TimeStamp("Play ThreadID [%lu]: after reading/writing fully
ended\n", pthread_self());
                  /* Finished reading the wav file, now it's time to close it */
                     /* Done the complete output, now drain/reset the ALSA device */
                     snd_pcm_nonblock(pPcmPlayHandle, 0);
                     snd_pcm_nonblock(pPcmPlayHandle, 0);

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