[alsa-devel] Bug in alsa-lib or alsamixer and amixer

Raymond Yau superquad.vortex2 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 08:33:33 CEST 2010

2010/6/16 Colin Guthrie <gmane at colin.guthr.ie>

> The fact that any key changes it back to 100% is kinda expected. It's
> not designed to handle values >100% so it makes sense that it clamps it.
> Annoying, but it makes sense.
> > The volume range is only from 0 to  65536
> >
> > why did alsa-lib allow alsa-pulse plugin to set it outside the range ,
> > alsamixer and amixer also display 150% ?
> >
> > amixer -D pulse
> > Simple mixer control 'Master',0
> >   Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
> >   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
> >   Limits: Playback 0 - 65536
> >   Mono:
> >   Front Left: Playback 98304 [150%] [on]
> >   Front Right: Playback 98304 [150%] [on]
> While I agree this could be thought of as a bug, it's actually the
> nicest possible display for a system that has no concept of volumes > 100%.
> That said, the correct fix would be a nice mechanism for marking the
> 100% mark. e.g. specifying the limits as a triplet, lower, normal (aka
> 100%) and max.
> AFAIK, no such system is currently in place.
> An alternative would be to scale the alsa volume control to the full
> range, e.g. make 0 - 98304[1] the range it accepts. But this sucks as
> the percentage shown in alsa is not the same as the percentage shown in
> other GUIs.
> In a practical sense, the current setup is probably less problematic
> than the latter suggestion.
> Col
> [1] FWIW, this precice value will likely change. I've not yet actioned
> it but it's likely to be fixed at +11dB which IIRC is slightly above
> 150%. 11dB is just a figure that we felt was "sensible" with regards to
> GUI consistency and I'll try and push this out ot all the UIs I can.
You have made a big mistake , please study the source code of alsamixer and

Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 31 [100%] [12.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 31 [100%] [12.00dB] [on]

    control.39 {
        comment.access 'read write'
        comment.type INTEGER
        comment.count 2
        comment.range '0 - 31'
        comment.dbmin -3450
        comment.dbmax 1200
        iface MIXER
        name 'PCM Playback Volume'
        value.0 31
        value.1 31


Simple mixer control 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 31
  Front Left: Playback 23 [74%] [0.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 23 [74%] [0.00dB] [on]

    control.39 {
        comment.access 'read write'
        comment.type INTEGER
        comment.count 2
        comment.range '0 - 31'
        comment.dbmin -3450
        comment.dbmax 1200
        iface MIXER
        name 'PCM Playback Volume'
        value.0 23
        value.1 23

The percentage displayed below the vertical slider in alsamixer and the
percentage after the dB values are the percentage of the current step / the
total number of step

so you cannot get any percentage > 100% in alsamixer and amixer

snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range()  of PCM return min =0 and max=
at 0dB the percentage is 23/32  about 74%  since 0dB is step 23 in  step 0
-34.5dB , step31 is 12dB (the difference between step is 1.5dB

This percentage in alsamixer and amixer is not those volume scale which you
described  BASE_VOLUME  or PA_NORM

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