[alsa-devel] problems about converting sample rate when using ALSA lib

longer zhou (周龙) longer.zhou at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 05:38:16 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I have a problem when using ALSA lib . The problem is :

My ALSA driver only support a special sample rate , so ALSA lib must

convert sample rates. But My driver don't get any audio data. When tracing

code of ALSA lib (alsa-driver-1.0.23), I found that : It mmap a address from

driver , but writting audio data to another address instead of that mmaped

I think this is why my driver don't get any audio data .But I don't know why
it don't

write audo data to that mmaped address.

Can you help me ? Any advices would help me a lot.

Thank you,


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