[alsa-devel] salsa error message setting hwparams

maarten van es maarten.h.van.es at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 21:31:18 CEST 2009

Hi everyone,

I am running out of ideas of why I am getting the error "operation not
permitted" when I try setting hw parameters with one of my audio
cards. I have a custom linux system based on uclibc with salsa for
audio and use the default device for playback. This sytem works fine
on a via C7 based pc with via audio. When I try an exact copy of the
system on an athlon64 based system with a HDPS9632 I get this error
message. The card works fine with other linux systems. I tested
several (recent) kernels with my system, all the same result. Any
ideas why I might be getting this message?


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