No subject

Thu Nov 6 11:49:12 CET 2008

abstraction? What algorithm should I then pick for PulseAudio? How
should I compile the list of possible outputs and inputs? And if an
item is selected from that list, how am I supposed to activate the

For inputs: should I simply compile a list of all elements that have a
cswitch plus all items from "Mic Select" plus all items from "Input
Source"? And if an item is selected the logic would be like this: if a
cswitch is selected we simply activate it, deactivating all others. If
an item from "Mic Select" is selected we activate it in the enum and
set the cswitch for "Mic" if there is any. And if an item from "Input
Source" is seleced we activate it in the enum and set the cswitch for
"Capture" if there is any. And we ignore "Capture Source". Is that a
good idea?

For outputs: If there is a Headphone element we assume we can use the
"Master" and "Headphone" elements to switch between "Line-Out" and
"Headphone". Is that assumption correct?


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4

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