[alsa-devel] [Alsa-user] is this card supported by ALSA?

Rene Herman rene.herman at keyaccess.nl
Wed Jul 16 11:16:32 CEST 2008

On 15-07-08 22:28, Landis McGauhey wrote:

> Yes, I did delete '-dry-run'.
> In fact, just to be doubly certain, I just re-ran the whole process and

I still worry a little bit, since if all's well, you should have seen 
the "patch -p1" command fail this time (it commenting that the patch 
seemed already applied) but I'll assume you did see that then. It's 
unfortunate that the problem with your card seems involved in a way 
which makes it fairly hard to debug this while not having the card 
locally to fiddle around with, adding delays between things ...

> additionally ran alsaconf (and again there was a loud 'click' in the 
> speakers when alsaconf loaded the driver):
> # cat /proc/asound/AudioPCI/codec97#0/ac97#0-0=
> 0-0/0: 0x83848384 STS

... because, lovely, yet another variant. There is an interface problem 
between the ES1371 and (supposed) STAC9704 chips on your card and even 
though that MIGHT not be all the problem (even though the ALSA driver 
doesn't recognize your AC97 codec due to this, the OSS driver also 
drives it without any special quirks) this will need to be taken care of 

With the card locally, the attached is the first thing I'd try. It makes 
the driver wait around a bit to have the codec recover from reset. Apply 
it as before, run "make" and "make modules_install" and re-load the 
snd-ens1371 driver with (as root) "modprobe -r snd-ens1371 && modprobe 
-r es1371 && modprobe snd-ens1371" after which ALSA sound may or may not 
work (test through aplay).

(note by the way that for now I'm foregoing any other problems you have 
with rebooting not loading the correct driver and such -- your dmesg 
indicated that the OSS es1371 driver was loading even though you said 
you blacklisted that, so just do the manual modprobe/modprobe -r stuff.)

Please also make sure that, after loading the newly patched snd-ens1371, 
there's nothing interesting at the end of dmesg -- nothing about 
timeouts and such. If there is something, please post.

If this doesn't work (likely) I'll just have to sit down and trace AC97 
accesses one by one between OSS and ALSA driver as nothing jumped out at 
me yet.

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