[alsa-devel] Can someone verify support for "AzTech Sound Galaxy Nova 16 Extra II-3D - using AZT-2316/R Chipset - FCC-ID:I38-MMSN846" ?

Rene Herman rene.herman at gmail.com
Thu May 10 16:56:07 CEST 2007

On 05/07/2007 10:51 PM, Rene Herman wrote:

> As you have noticed, snd-sgalaxy will not work for this card. "sgalaxy" 
> is actually a really unfortunate name for that driver as Aztech named 
> _all_ their cards "Sound Galaxy" and snd-sgalaxy only drives the couple 
> with a AZT1605 chip on them.

Actually, snd-sgalaxy doesn't work for the AZT2316A cards that I've tried it 
with (two different types) but it _does_ in fact work for my AZT2316R based 
"Sound Galaxy Waverider Pro 32-3D" (I38-MMSN852) that is a very close match 
to your "Nova 16 Extra II-3D" (I38-MMSN846).

Please first make sure the EEPROM on the card contains sensible values for 
which you'll unfortunately need the DOS utilities (once). They can be had from:


After installation, C:\FOO\UTILITY\ contains CONFIG.EXE, HWSET.EXE, 

Running "HWSET /MR /MS" (and "VOLSET /MR /MS") will restore factory default 
values to the EEPROM which means SB = 0x220, irq 5, dma 1 and WSS = 0x530.

The DOS utilities use IRQ 10 as the WSS IRQ but that one didn't work under 
Linux for me. Too many possible reasons why not though, so try it. The WSS 
part can be configured on IRQ 7, 9, 10 and 11 and 7 worked for me. Make sure 
you also set your BIOS to reserve this IRQ and the SB IRQ and DMA (which the 
WSS part shares) for "legacy ISA".

When you've done that (or they were sensible to start with) you should both 
be able to load snd-sb8 as adviced in the previous message:

	modprobe snd-sb8 port=0x220 irq=5 dma8=1

and snd-sgalaxy for access to the WSS part:

	modprobe snd-sgalaxy sbport=0x220 wssport=0x530

The sgalaxy driver will grab IRQ7 when it's free.


Before I noticed that sgalaxy would in fact work on my 2316R I had already 
done most of a new "azt2316" driver. Filling in the hardware details showed 
that sgalaxy actually worked for the 2316R (again, not for my 2316A cards).

snd-sgalaxy is not a nice driver so I did complete it and renamed it to 
snd-azt1605. It's attached as a patch against kernel 2.6.21. If you don't 
know what that means or what to do with it, never mind, both sb8 and sgalaxy 
should as said also work.

The attached driver is a bit better in so far that it keeps the SB part 
reserved after switching to WSS (we don't want anyone resetting our bus 
interface out from under us while we're happily playing MP3s), provides 
access to the onboard MPU-401 (MIDI port) and OPL3 (FM synthesis chip) and 
allows to tell the driver where you want the wss_irq yourself. If you want 
to try it out, it should be loaded as:

	modprobe snd-azt1605 port=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 wss_port=0x530 wss_irq=7

Also specify mpu_port=0x330 (and possibly mpu_irq=9) and fm_port=0x388 if 
you want MPU-401 and OPL3 enabled.

It's been only quickly tested on AZT1605 and AZT2316R and I'm not submitting 
this or anything. AZT2316A not working is probably something small but it's 
going to need trial & error and/or poking around in the DOS utilities and I 
don't have time for either at the moment.

It does show promise for eventually having one unified snd-galaxy driver (I 
hate that s!) with AZT2320 folded back in as well...

Hope this helps.

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