On Fri, 2018-05-18 at 22:24 +0800, sound-open-firmware-bounces@alsa-project.org wrote:
So these are non component trace class IDs now, they dont need to be in ipc.h and should start at some high number so they wont conflict with component IDs (that start at 0).
Yes. I will keep current class << 24 for global trace.
No, ditch this. Just use a single ID with IDs > 0xffff0000 for non components.
For component id, it will be restored in another unused uint32 bit currently. So they will not cause conflicts.
938 /* DMA for Trace level elem - SOF_IPC_DEBUG_DMA_LEVELS */ 939 struct sof_ipc_dma_trace_level { 940 uint32_t trace_class; 941 enum sof_dma_trace_level_type type; 942 int32_t comp_id; 943 char name[8]; 944 uint32_t level; 945 } __attribute__((packed));
All you need here is name and ID. level, type will be set by userspace.
May we need one default level for this? I also want use comp_id to identify global and component trace level. If comp_id = -1, it is global trace level.
No, comp_id is the ID of the target (component or class). No need for global level.