Hi Pierre-Louis, et al.,
As discussed in other email-threads, because of the plan to drop the old SST Linux driver for BYT/CHT devices, replacing it with the SOF driver, I have been testing the Linux SOF driver on various BYT and CHT devices.
As also already discussed things mostly work well, but there is one bug when using the SOF driver which is not present when using the SST driver. Sometimes the left and right playback channels are swapped. This happens with both stereo speakers and headphones (as is to be expected).
I just hit this on a CHT SoC + NAU8824 codec device, meaning that I can now confirm the playback channel-swap issue on 2 different devices.
So I've gone ahead and filed an issue for this: https://github.com/thesofproject/sof/issues/3699
As mentioned in the issue I would like to file an official Fedora Change proposal for making SOF the default sound driver for BYT/CHT devices in Fedora 34, to help with SOF getting tested on those devices so that we can drop the older SST driver ASAP.
This playback channel-swap issue is IHMO a blocker for this plan, as I mentioned in the issue the deadline for filing a change proposal for this is Jan 19th 2021. We can always flip the default back to SST later during the Fedora 34 development-cycle if this issue stay unresolved, but I would like to at least have some indication / expectation of a fix for this being available no later then say February 15th, before moving ahead with the Fedora change plan.