Bug: AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture Route is unitialised in alsa-ucm-conf

alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf issue #351 was opened from broukema:
DESCRIPTION: `AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture Route` is not initialised in `alsa-ucm-conf`. This implies that if its setting is significant, any accidental change by the user (using any of the various `alsa` tools) to a wrong setting will not be corrected by any of the three `PinePhone/*.conf` files, leading, in particular, to audio errors during a phone call. This was discovered by testing variations on the Mobian version of the PinePhone alsa-ucm-conf files.
CODING ARGUMENT: All parameters that can significantly affect the audio system should be either initialised or overridden in configuration files that the user expects to necessarily work, such as those for phone calls. In `alsa-ucm-conf` commit b68aa52 (one beyond v1.2.10): ```` $ grep -ri "AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture" . $ ```` shows that `AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture Route` is not set for any device at all (PinePhone or other).
HARDWARE ARGUMENT: For the PinePhone (PP), Megi recommends in https://xnux.eu/devices/feature/audio-pp.html that `AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture Route` is set to `Mix Mono`.
TESTING ARGUMENT: Experimentation with different stored alsa settings (from ```` sudo alsactl store -f - > YYYYMMDD_example_alsa_settings ```` ) showed that settings files whose only substantial difference was in the setting of `AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture Route` had the effect that audio from the PP was heard on the remote phone when the value was `Mix Mono` and was not heard with the value `Stereo`. Testing was done with the equivalent of https://codeberg.org/boud/pinephone_hacks/src/commit/7c7b6660a4446a24747f2c2... with the settings file https://codeberg.org/boud/pinephone_hacks/src/commit/7c7b6660a4446a24747f2c2... that has the `Mix Mono` value selected.
RECOMMENDATIONS: * `AIF2 ADC Stereo Capture Route` should be initialised or set to *something* in one of the .conf files (in the PP case, most likely in `VoiceCall.conf`) to prevent users who experiment and have difficulty remembering which of the 50 PP alsa parameters should be set in which way from accidentally sabotaging their otherwise working audio calls; * Based on Megi's 2020 page and my testing, it seems that the correct value should be `Mix Mono`.
COMMENT: While setting all 50 of the alsa settings ```` $ sudo alsactl store -f - |grep "name " |wc 50 258 1788 ```` in the .conf files is most likely unnecessary, there could be others that are necessary too. Ideally, someone who really understands how the PP audio system works (including Megi's two diagrams at https://xnux.eu/devices/feature/audio-pp.html) should be able to make these recommendations.
Issue URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf/issues/351 Repository URL: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf
participants (1)
GitHub issues - opened