pcm: dmix: fix access to sum-buffer in non-interleaved mixing mode
alsa-project/alsa-lib pull request #78 was opened from vijaypalaniswamy:
When dmix uses non-interleaved mixing mode the offset and step width to sum_buffer was calculated by using the dmix channels instead of the slave channels. This leads to audio distortions due to frame corruption.
example: - With below configuratio, Do aplay on both device in parallel for audio distortion
pcm.dmix_2_channels { type dmix ipc_key 5678293 ipc_perm 0660 ipc_gid audio bindings [0 1]
slave { pcm "hardware" channels 2 periods 4 period_time 40000 } }
pcm.dmix_1_channels { type dmix ipc_key 5678293 ipc_perm 0660 ipc_gid audio bindings [0]
slave { pcm "hardware" channels 1 periods 4 period_time 40000 } }
pcm.hardware { type hw card 0 channels 2 rate 48000 format S16_LE }
Signed-off-by: Vijay Palaniswamy vijay.palaniswamy@in.bosch.com
Request URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-lib/pull/78 Patch URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-lib/pull/78.patch Repository URL: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-lib
participants (1)
GitHub pull_request - opened