how do I create configure a ucm2 conf file for my card just like an acp file

alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf issue #475 was opened from beh-10257:
1_ how do I know if my card is using acp or ucm profile 2_ can ucm config file be availble in user directories 3_ how do i test a ucm profile 4_ if my card is using ucm is there a way to cooverride that file 5_ for more context 6_ as a tldr I want to take advanatage of indep_hp=yes (IDK why this is not enabled by default its a great feature compared to other platforms after all) either way I want to make hw:0,0 as speaker and hw:0,2 as headphones can a ucm profile replace the indep_hp hint and udev rule and just porceed to seperate them directly also indep_hp seperates speaker and headphones output is there a way to seperate internal mic and headphone speaker also is there a way to put priority for headphones when the jack port is actually put or even disable it entirely and just default back to speaker automatically thats all thanks
thats all and thanks further editing will be filled once I have more questions and thanks
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