[alsa-devel] ASUS G752VS: Linux audio/sound problems
ASUS G752VS laptop - latest 310 BIOS; OS: Ubuntu 17.04 - fully updated, kernel 4.10.0-30.
This Asus laptop has two stereo speakers behind the display on the rear side of the notebook, and a separate subwoofer that sits on the underside. I'm reporting here the following Linux audio/sound issues:
1) Microphone jack doesn't work (it works ok in Windows 10).
2) Headphone jack doesn't work (it works ok in Windows 10). It works somehow when the hdajackretask headphones trick is applied (override pin 0x16 to headpohne).
3) If within sound settings the "Analog Stereo Output" mode is selected, the subwoofer doesn't work and its volume control is grayed out (disabled).
If within sound settings the "Analog Surround 4.0 Output" mode is selected, fade control works even if laptop doesn't have both front and rear speakers, and the subwoofer works ok but its volume control is grayed out (disabled).
Test laptop sound (2 speakers + subwoofer) without hdajackretask headphones trick (override pin 0x16 to headpohne) applied: Front left and front right both works ok. Rear left and rear right both works ok and sound is coming from the subwoofer both when rear left and rear right test button is clicked.
Test laptop sound (2 speakers + subwoofer) with hdajackretask headphones trick (override pin 0x16 to headpohne) applied: Front left and front right both doesn't work. Rear left and rear right both works ok and sound is coming from the subwoofer both when rear left and rear right test button is clicked.
4) Not sure if this is somehow related to audio/sound problems, but the fact is that the right side of the laptop (area around audio jacks) is pretty hot compared to the left side which is completely cold (in Windoes 10 the area around audio jacks is completely cold).
Please find attached the 'alsa-info.sh output' and two related images. Best regards, Aljosa.
participants (1)