HCtl event callback gives "Fatal Python error: drop_gil: drop_gil: GIL is not locked"
alsa-project/alsa-python issue #11 was opened from HEnquist:
I'm running the [hctltest2.py](https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-python/blob/master/test/hctltest2.py) test.
Then change one of the controls, I tried the "Z Test Volume" that gets numid 4: `amixer -D hw:0 cset numid=4 5`
This generates and event, which runs the callback function. That results in the test script crashing, with:
``` Fatal Python error: drop_gil: drop_gil: GIL is not locked Python runtime state: initialized
Thread 0x00007cae1adbc740 (most recent call first): File "/home/henrik/repos/camilladsp-controller/hctltest2.py", line 25 in event_callback
Current thread 0x00007cae1adbc740 (most recent call first): File "/home/henrik/repos/camilladsp-controller/hctltest2.py", line 63 in <module>
Extension modules: pyalsa.alsahcontrol (total: 1) Aborted (core dumped) ```
Tested on manjaro with python 3.11, and latest alsa-python.
Issue URL : https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-python/issues/11 Repository URL: https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-python
participants (1)
GitHub issues - opened