Bug in tlv320adc3101 driver

There is a bug in the code for the tlv320adc3101 driver when setting up the D value for PLL.
The D value is set via I2C using page 0 registers 7 (MSB) and 8 (LSB). The data sheet has the following information for the registers:
"Page 0 / Register 7 will be updated when Page 0 / Register 8 is written immediately after Page 0 / Register 7 is written"
"Page 0 / Register 8 must be written immediately after writing to Page 0 / Register 7"
The function that implements this is adc3xxx_setup_pll() in file soc/codecs/tlv320adc3xxx.c line 1172 - 1189. The function is shown below:
static void adc3xxx_setup_pll(struct snd_soc_component *component, int div_entry) { int i = div_entry;
/* P & R values */ snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_PR, (adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_p << ADC3XXX_PLLP_SHIFT) | (adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_r << ADC3XXX_PLLR_SHIFT)); /* J value */ snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_J, adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_j & ADC3XXX_PLLJ_MASK); /* D value */ snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_D_LSB, adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_d & ADC3XXX_PLLD_LSB_MASK); snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_D_MSB, (adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_d >> 8) & ADC3XXX_PLLD_MSB_MASK); }
In the function the LSB (register 8) is written first followed by the MSB (register 7). This is the wrong way around and should be swapped so that the MSB is written first.
Terry Sanders

Let me loop @Kasargod, Sandeepmailto:sandeepk@ti.com Hi Sandeep Kindly support a request for Linux.
BR Shenghao Ding From: Terry Sanders linux@vertone.co.uk Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2024 3:45 PM To: Ding, Shenghao shenghao-ding@ti.com; Lu, Kevin kevin-lu@ti.com; Xu, Baojun baojun.xu@ti.com Cc: alsa-devel@alsa-project.org Subject: [EXTERNAL] Bug in tlv320adc3101 driver
Hi, There is a bug in the code for the tlv320adc3101 driver when setting up the D value for PLL. The D value is set via I2C using page 0 registers 7 (MSB) and 8 (LSB). The data sheet has the following information for the registers: "Page 0 / ZjQcmQRYFpfptBannerStart This message was sent from outside of Texas Instruments.
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There is a bug in the code for the tlv320adc3101 driver when setting up the D value for PLL.
The D value is set via I2C using page 0 registers 7 (MSB) and 8 (LSB). The data sheet has the following information for the registers:
"Page 0 / Register 7 will be updated when Page 0 / Register 8 is written immediately after Page 0 / Register 7 is written"
"Page 0 / Register 8 must be written immediately after writing to Page 0 / Register 7"
The function that implements this is adc3xxx_setup_pll() in file soc/codecs/tlv320adc3xxx.c line 1172 - 1189. The function is shown below:
static void adc3xxx_setup_pll(struct snd_soc_component *component,
int div_entry)
int i = div_entry;
/* P & R values */
snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_PR,
(adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_p << ADC3XXX_PLLP_SHIFT) |
(adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_r << ADC3XXX_PLLR_SHIFT));
/* J value */
snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_J,
adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_j & ADC3XXX_PLLJ_MASK);
/* D value */
snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_D_LSB,
adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_d & ADC3XXX_PLLD_LSB_MASK);
snd_soc_component_write(component, ADC3XXX_PLL_PROG_D_MSB,
(adc3xxx_divs[i].pll_d >> 8) & ADC3XXX_PLLD_MSB_MASK);
In the function the LSB (register 8) is written first followed by the MSB (register 7). This is the wrong way around and should be swapped so that the MSB is written first.
Terry Sanders
participants (1)
Ding, Shenghao
Terry Sanders