[alsa-devel] dmix on hda-intel
Dear all,
(please cc)
_From the wiki page: NOTE: For ALSA 1.0.9rc2 and higher you don't need to setup dmix. Dmix is enabled as default for soundcards which don't support hw mixing. My ALSA Version: 1.0.21 (see attached alsa-info output)
Why is soft mixing still not working? Opening several audio clients does not work at all.
Any suggestion, patches (-rc kernels, git diffs to apply?)
Norbert ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norbert Preining preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org} JAIST, Japan TU Wien, Austria Debian TeX Task Force DSA: 0x09C5B094 fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76 A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You're one hundred percent positive that the ship which is crashed on the bottom of this ocean is the ship which you said you were one hundred percent positive could one hundred percent positively never crash? --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Your controller and codec certainly have dmix, dsnoop, and softvol enabled by default. However, nothing prevents a rogue application from grabbing plughw or hw or using OSS emulation (you have the kernel modules loaded). In other words, inspect the ALSA configurations of the audio applications that you use. If any of them are not using "default" as the device, there's a good chance you've located a culprit.
participants (2)
Daniel Chen
Norbert Preining