desperate to find a fix for ALC298

Kernel: linux5.6 (source here Distro: Tried most for months since linux5.4 (currently on manjaro) Desktop: gnome Alsa-info: (pastebin here Any configs: No just the defaults (no alsa/.asound, pulse/client.conf etc...) Cards: Single on-board Realtek ALC298
*Issue* On-board sound does not work at all. Neither on speakers or headphones, no matter which distro or kernel I tried (since 5.4+ of course).
*Have I asked the community?* I have a SO question here and a manjaro topic here .
*Have I tried fixing it myself?* Yes, a lot. The threads above both have a lot of information in them. Highlight of my debugging so far is that the codec pin "0x1a" has an incorrect VREF assigned to it (HIZ). Found this by accident when using hda-analyzer. Changing it to VREF 50, 80 or 100 fixes the headphones. Have no idea how to persist it using init_verbs (don't know how to package the new value 0x05), so wrote a systemd file to hack it using hda-verb utility at startup. It stopped working eventually or sometimes had to stop/restart the service to reissue the change. I read somewhere that the incorrect VREF is a sign of UEFI/BIOS chip assigning incorrect speaker pins. Although I could not get the speakers working at all using any utilities mentioned above.
Thank you for reading,
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