Hi, I've just checked the kernel source for the tascam us122l (us122l.c us122l.h) and it has changed completely since the 3.4 kernel. I'm having a stack trace problem when trying to use jack with us122l. The card is recognised and I am using the .asoundrc from pub.briata.org as I always have done. When the us122l.c got broken (around about kernel version 3.6 to 3.9) I was able to get it working by recompiling the kernel after amending the us122l.c source code by changing a flag that was pushed in to a vm struct.
In the new code I can't find any reference to the vm operation and it seems that the code has changed completely, I am going to try and revert to the 3.4 us122l.c to see if that will work, but I'd be grateful if someone could look into this. Thanks
participants (1)
James Miller